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1.Hafta Ders İçeriği
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=[4,0] y=[0,3] get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') plt.plot(x,y) def my_draw_a_vector_from_origin(v): # from origin to v plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') x=[0,v[0]] y=[0,v[1]] plt.xlim(-10,15) #sınır değerleri ayarlıyoruz plt.ylim(-10,15) plt.plot(x,y) my_draw_a_vector_from_origin([5,67]) def my_draw_a_vector_from_v_to_w(v,w): # from origin to v x=[v[0],w[0]] y=[v[1],w[1]] plt.xlim(-10,15) #sınır değerleri ayarlıyoruz plt.ylim(-10,15) #sınır değerleri ayarlıyoruz plt.plot(x,y) my_draw_a_vector_from_v_to_w([5,6],[5,20]) #vektorun bir baska vektor ile skaler carpimi yapıcak def my_scalar_product(a,b): return (a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]) v=[3,4] w=[4,7] my_scalar_product(v,w) #dik durumda iki vektor carpinca sifir gelmeli v=[0,4] w=[3,0] my_scalar_product(v,w) my_draw_a_vector_from_origin(v) my_draw_a_vector_from_origin(w) my_scalar_product(v,w) my_draw_a_vector_from_v_to_w([5,5],[10,12]) my_draw_a_vector_from_origin([-7,5]) my_draw_a_vector_from_origin([4,3]) my_draw_a_vector_from_origin([-3,4]) my_scalar_product([4,3],[-3,4]) def distance(v,w): return (((v[0]-w[0])**2) + ((v[1]-w[1])**2))**.5 def my_vector_add(v,w): return [v[0]+w[0],v[1]+w[1]] def my_vector_substract(v,w): return [v[0]-w[0],v[1]-w[1]] def my_vector_multiply_with_scalar(c,v): return [c*v[0],c*v[1]] a=[3,0] b=[0,4] print("toplam : ",my_vector_add(a,b)) print("fark : ",my_vector_substract(a,b)) print("5 kati : ",my_vector_multiply_with_scalar(5,b)) print("uzunluk :",distance(a,b))
my_draw_a_vector_from_origin([5,67]) |
my_draw_a_vector_from_v_to_w([5,6],[5,20]) |
2.Hafta Ders İçeriği
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D point1=np.array([0,0,0]) #orjinden geçen x=1 y=-2 z=1 olan bir normal var meshgrid yapısı ile oluşturucaz point-nokta normal-doğru normal1=np.array([1,-2,1]) point2=np.array([0,-4,0]) normal2=np.array([0,2,-8]) point3=np.array([0,0,1]) normal3=np.array([-4,5,9]) point_test = np.array([1,-1,1]) #np bu listeleri çarpabiliyor , kullanmadan yaparsak hata alırız normal_test = np.array([1,-2,1]) np.sum(point_test*normal_test) d1 = -np.sum(point1*normal1) # dot product -- distance d2 = -np.sum(point2*normal2) # dot product -- distance d3 = -np.sum(point3*normal3) # dot product -- distance d1,d2,d3 # 4x+5y+6z+7 -<4>.= d skaler çarpma aradaki işlem xx,yy=np.meshgrid(range(5),range(5)) xx # 5^3 değeri 125 tane değer geliyor 3 boyutlu yy z1 = (-normal1[0]*xx - normal1[1]*yy - d1)*1./normal1[2] get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') plt3d = plt.figure().gca(projection='3d') plt3d.plot_surface(xx,yy,z1,color='blue') # ax+by+cz+d=0 bir doğruysa şu şekilde çevirebiliyoruz z=(-d-ax-by)/c point_test = np.array([1,-1,1]) #np bu listeleri çarpabiliyor , kullanmadan yaparsak hata alırız normal_test = np.array([1,-2,1]) np.sum(point_test*normal_test) d1 = -np.sum(point1*normal1) # dot product -- distance d2 = -np.sum(point2*normal2) # dot product -- distance d3 = -np.sum(point3*normal3) # dot product -- distance d1,d2,d3 # 4x+5y+6z+7 -<4>. 4>= d skaler çarpma aradaki işlem xx,yy=np.meshgrid(range(5),range(5)) xx # 5^3 değeri 125 tane değer geliyor 3 boyutlu yy z1 = (-normal1[0]*xx - normal1[1]*yy - d1)*1./normal1[2] get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') plt3d = plt.figure().gca(projection='3d') plt3d.plot_surface(xx,yy,z1,color='blue') # ax+by+cz+d=0 bir doğruysa şu şekilde çevirebiliyoruz z=(-d-ax-by)/c # 4>deniyelim çizdirelim n = 1000 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Plot a helix along the x-axis theta_max = 8 * np.pi theta = np.linspace(0, theta_max, n) x = theta z = np.sin(theta) y = np.cos(theta) ax.plot(x, y, z, 'b', lw=2) # An line through the centre of the helix ax.plot((-theta_max*0.2, theta_max * 1.2), (0,0), (0,0), color='k', lw=2) # sin/cos components of the helix (e.g. electric and magnetic field # components of a circularly-polarized electromagnetic wave ax.plot(x, y, 0, color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.5) ax.plot(x, [0]*n, z, color='m', lw=1, alpha=0.5) # Remove axis planes, ticks and labels ax.set_axis_off() fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') n=1000 thete_max=0*np.pi theta=np.linspace(0,theta_max,n) x=np.sin(theta) #theta y=np.cos(theta) z=theta ax.plot(x,y,z,'b',lw=2)
3.Hafta Ders İçeriği
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def draw_my_line(normal_vector,point_on_line): a=normal_vector[0] b=normal_vector[1] c=normal_vector[2] x_0=point_on_line[0] y_0=point_on_line[1] z_0=point_on_line[2] x=[] y=[] z=[] #x.append(other_point[0]) #y.append(other_point[1]) #z.append(other_point[2]) for t in range(-100,100): x.append(x_0+t*a) y.append(y_0+t*b) z.append(z_0+t*c) return (x,y,z) def my_scalar_product(a,b): #a=[-1,-2,4] #b=[-2,-5,2] # a tanspose b ? a_t_b=a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2] return a_t_b def point_on_line(normal_vector,point_on_line,other_point): a_x=other_point[0]-point_on_line[0] # otherpoint pointOnLine ikilisi a_y=other_point[1]-point_on_line[1] a_z=other_point[2]-point_on_line[2] b=[a_x,a_y,a_z] a=normal_vector c=my_scalar_product(a,b)/my_scalar_product(a,a) b_x=c*a[0] b_y=c*a[1] b_z=c*a[2] nearest_point_on_line=(b_x,b_y,b_z) return nearest_point_on_line get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') p=(0,0,0) n=(1,1,1) #hat üzerinde bir nokta other_point=[1,1,100] #bulundugun nokta bekleme noktası n_p=point_on_line(n,p,other_point) #neraest point , n_p değeri hat üzerindeki bize en yakın nokta points=draw_my_line(n,p) ax=plt.axes(projection='3d') #ax.plot3D(points[0],points[1],points[2],'red') #ax.plot3D(3,4,5,'red') ax.plot3D(points[0],points[1],points[2],'red') ax.scatter(other_point[0],other_point[1],other_point[2],'*') ax.scatter(n_p[0],n_p[1],n_p[2],'*')
4.Hafta Ders İçeriği
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def my_product(a,b): return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2] def my_length_function(a): #gelen vektörün uzunluğunu vericek return my_product(a,a)**0.5 #düzlemin denklemi ve düzlem üzerindeki noktayı gondericez fonksiyona def plane_point(plane,point): plane_normal=[plane[0],plane[1],plane[2]] d=my_product(plane_normal,point) / my_length_function(plane_normal) t=(my_product(plane_normal,point)) t=t/my_product(plane_normal,plane_normal) p_0=[0,0,0] p_0[0]=point[0]+t*plane[0] p_0[1]=point[1]+t*plane[1] p_0[2]=point[2]+t*plane[2] return d,t,p_0 def plot_planes_lines_points(plane,line_with_two_points,two_points): plane_normal=[plane[0],plane[1],plane[2]] d=plane[3] xx,yy = np.meshgrid(range(-10,20),range(-10,20)) z = (-plane_normal[0] * xx -plane_normal[1] * yy - d)* 1./ plane_normal[2] plt3d=plt.figure().gca(projection='3d') plt3d.plot_surface(xx,yy,z,color='red') point_1=line_with_two_points[0] point_2=line_with_two_points[1] points_x=[point_1[0],point_2[0]] points_y=[point_1[1],point_2[1]] points_z=[point_1[2],point_2[2]] plt3d.plot3D(points_x, points_y, points_z) point_1=two_points[0] point_2=two_points[1] points_x=[point_1[0],point_2[0]] points_y=[point_1[1],point_2[1]] points_z=[point_1[2],point_2[2]] plt3d.scatter3D(points_x, points_y, points_z) %matplotlib notebook def test(): plane_1=[1,2,3,-6] point_1=[4,2,10] #results = plane_point(plane_1,point_1)[2] # 38/kok14 verdi bu bize defterde var #plane_1=[3,2,6,-6] #point_1=[1,1,3] (d,t,p)=plane_point(plane_1,point_1) plot_planes_lines_points(plane_1,[point_1, p],[point_1, p]) print(d,t,p) test()
5.Hafta Ders İçeriği
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import math get_ipython().magic('matplotlib notebook') n = 1000 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #plot a helix along the x-axis theta_max = 8 * np.pi theta = np.linspace(0, theta_max, n) # 0 dan 8pi ye kadar n tane nokat oluştur x = np.sin(theta) y = np.cos(theta) z = theta ax.plot(x, y, z, 'b', lw=2) #ax.set_axis_off() theta_current = 3 * np.pi/2 #türevini aldık çalıştığımız nokta 3*np.pi/2 olsun dedik ordaki türev x_1,y_1,z_1 vektörü x_1=math.cos(theta_current) #bunlar ordaki teğet olan vektörün büyüklüğü y_1=math.sin(theta_current) z_1=1 x_2=math.sin(theta_current) y_2=-math.cos(theta_current) z_2=theta_current x_3=x_1+x_2 y_3=y_1+y_2 z_3=z_1+z_2 x_s=[x_3,x_2] y_s=[y_3,y_2] z_s=[z_3,z_2] ax.plot(x_s,y_s,z_s) # iki nokta var birleştiriceğiz import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import math get_ipython().magic('matplotlib notebook') n = 1000 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #plot a helix along the x-axis theta_max = 8 * np.pi theta = np.linspace(0, theta_max, n) # 0 dan 8pi ye kadar n tane nokat oluştur a=5 b=7 x = a*np.sin(theta) y = b*np.cos(theta) z = theta ax.plot(x, y, z, 'b', lw=2) #ax.set_axis_off() theta_current = 3 * np.pi/2 #türevini aldık çalıştığımız nokta 3*np.pi/2 olsun dedik ordaki türev x_1,y_1,z_1 vektörü x_1=math.cos(theta_current) #bunlar ordaki teğet olan vektörün büyüklüğü y_1=math.sin(theta_current) z_1=1 x_2=a*math.sin(theta_current) y_2=b*-math.cos(theta_current) z_2=theta_current x_3=x_1+x_2 y_3=y_1+y_2 z_3=z_1+z_2 x_s=[x_3,x_2] y_s=[y_3,y_2] z_s=[z_3,z_2] ax.plot(x_s,y_s,z_s) # iki nokta var birleştiriceğiz
8.Hafta Ders İçeriği
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D #%matplotlib notebook fig=plt.figure() ax=Axes3D(fig) X=np.arange(-14,14,0.25) Y=np.arange(-14,14,0.25) X, Y=np.meshgrid(X,Y) #R=np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2) R=(X**2+Y**2) Z=np.sin(R) Z_planes=-5+2*X+4*Y ax.plot_surface(X, Y, R, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='hot') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z_planes, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='hot')
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